Queen Victoria Golden and Diamond Jubilee Fountain
Artist: Unknown
Location: Queens Rd
A gilt painted fountain standing between the former. Railway Hotel/Dolphin Public House and the Hillside Hotel. It was created in 1887 to celebrate Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee. Originally adorned with a drinking cup, three gas jets for lighting and a water trough for dogs, it was decorated in 1888 with gilt paint. The fountain was removed to Bayswell Park during the Second World War to allow an air raid shelter to be erected on the present site. In 2007, Dunbar Community Council and East Lothian Council restored the fountain to its original site to commemorate the inauguration of a new water supply to the town in 1896. The following dedication on the adjacent notice board informs us that:
‘The inauguration ceremony [in 1896] involved a grand procession in bitterly cold conditions. Provost James Brand invited Mrs Nisbet Hamilton Ogilvy to declare the supply open. She did so and presumably turned it on. There was a strong gust of wind and a sudden spray of water descended on those nearby. On the day, the fountain was referred to as the Jubilee
Fountain, in anticipation of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee of 1897. It was replaced with a more useful combined gas light standard and horse trough in the reign of King Edward VII.’
Mr and Mrs Henry Nisbet Hamilton Ogilvy of Biel provided the uncontaminated water supply in response to a serious typhoid epidemic in Dunbar in 1895-96.
What's Nearby?
The site of the Old Dolphin hotel is currently undergoing major works to become a hostel for those adventurers seeking the more thrilling side of Dunbar. Its owners are the creators of 60things Dunbar website.